Freezer bag : Container for frozen food

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Nowadays technology is growing in speed and the no of working women is also increasing. For the facility to this type of a busy woman, freezer provides a good service for that. It is a favorite modern convenience for many people. When free time is more there than you can take advantage of the time and make many items and stored it in the freezer for ready to eat. For freshening the food you have to follow steps:

In the first step, put your food in quality اكياس مجمدات (freezer bag). Squeeze any extra air out of the bag before sealing them. Also leave a enough space for the food to expand in the bag, if the food contains the juicy content.

Freezer BagIn the second step, before freezing warm fresh food is to be cool. This will prevent your food from retaining moisture during the freezing process if you place it into the freezer while it is still warm. Importantly, ensure that this food cools quickly; cool on the kitchen bench until the steam stops escaping. Then, place into the freezer bag and freeze.

The third step is , put date of frozen on every bag. This will help you identify the foods after they have become frozen. Place sticker labels on each bag or use a permanent marker to label each freezer bag.

Now its time to store your food. For faster freezing package your food into small packets. Place your food in freezer with space around each item. This will allow the cold air to circulate around your food efficiently and cause it to freeze at a fast pace.

Now enjoy your fresh frozen food quickly!

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